For decades, nature gave way to buildings and concrete. Turning everything that was once green to gray. What remained were unhealthy, uninspired living environments. In which we, humans, lost our connection with nature.

At Cloud Garden we believe that urbanization can be done differently. Otherwise must. Without this being at the expense of nature. In a way that they coexist. So that future generations have the chance of a sustainable way of life.

Room for growth

Green facades enhance biodiversity in various ways. For example, a green facade offers extra space for plants to flourish and grow, it creates a living environment for various animals, such as birds and insects, and these locations ensure that populations, such as those of the bee, can grow again.


An important source of nectar

Green facades also contribute to the pollination of plants in urban areas. The bees and butterflies that flock to the green facades can collect the nectar and pollen from the facade and spray it on nearby plants. For example in urban vegetable gardens.

Cities cool down

An important additional benefit of green facades is the reduction of the heat island effect in urban areas. The plants on the facade cover the surface of the building and the surface that retains heat becomes much smaller. As a result, the temperature in urban areas cools down more quickly.

Improve air quality

Finally, green facades improve air quality in urban areas. Plants can absorb air pollutants, such as CO2, and release oxygen instead. This ensures that air pollution decreases and the living environment improves. For people, nature and animals.

of green facades

Green facades
are visible for everyone
Green facades
bring biodiversity into cities
Green facades
are a habitat for animals
Green facades
as a nest and source of food
Green facades
as a new ecosystem in cities
Green facades
to keep insects and animals alive

Preserving biodiversity is essential for the future and our planet.

In order to create a pleasant living environment for humans and animals, biodiversity will have to be improved. Biodiversity in the Netherlands is in bad shape. Currently, no less than 15% of the plant and animal species that we had in our country in 1900 remain.

Improving biodiversity with green facades

Cloud Garden's green facades help improve biodiversity. For example, if desired, we first carry out an ecological scan. We conduct research into the climate and biodiversity in the area and analyze the facade orientation during the day and season. With all these insights, we then put together the ideal plant mix, combined with birdhouses and insect hotels for optimally strengthening biodiversity.

Biodiversity is one of the many topics to which a green facade makes a positive contribution. In addition to this advantage, it also has a strong cooling effect on the building and its surroundings. Finally, green facades make a positive contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals.

Every building is different, every area is different. Cloud Garden likes to take on the challenge of offering exactly what your building and the area around it needs.

Want to read and see more about biodiversity with green facades in practice? Then the vertical biodiversity garden of Aeres Hogeschool Almere is a wonderful example. Something that will be increasingly seen in the streets in the future. Do you dare?


Would you like to know more about Cloud Garden's green facade solution? Niels would be delighted to tell you more.